The Most Disturbing Movie Preview - Ever

While we were compiling our Summer movie blockbuster list we heard about a bizarre new film being released this month - there's already quite a bit of buzz surrounding it - so anyway we decided to watch the trailer...

It seems likely that those of us who watched that preview will require therapy for post-dramatic stress syndrome. This has to be the most disturbing movie trailer we've ever seen and its disturbing for a number of reasons:
  • Just look at Rutger Hauer these days.
  • We're thinking this might be how Charlie Sheen and Randy Quaid end up
  • There are no positive roles models to be found, anywhere !
  • Did they have to give that lecture to those helpless infants???
  • This is what the US is going to be like after all the budget cuts!!!
  • It seems like they used Tomato Bisque for blood and that's our favorite soup, yuk...
  • How can hobo's afford shotgun ammunition, c'mon???
Before we show you this clip, we must provide the following disclaimers:
  1. We didn't make the movie.
  2. We haven't even seen the movie and as much as we may be tempted to study it from a purely anthropological perspective, we know it's a bad influence on us and everyone else so we won't.
  3. It seems worse than BitchSlap (which we did view, only to help advance several scientific disciplines).
  4. If you have a heart condition, high blood pressure or take anti-psychotic medicines that may have a tendency to induce suicidal or homicidal thoughts, please don't watch this clip.
  5. If you are pregnant or hope to become pregnant please don't give birth to children who would produce, star in or even watch a movie like this.
  6. If you were a hobo, are a hobo or plan to be a hobo - definitely don't watch it.
  7. If you are a fan of Rutger Hauer the actor rather than Rutger Hauer the demented has-been hobo, please avoid watching this.
Don't say we didn't warn you.

Hobo with a Shotgun is likely to become a cult classic, why - well this is the country where supposedly normal adults paid $50 or more per seat to watch Charlie Sheen reenact his webcam tirades - in other words, we're all crazy...

One last thought - we're wondering whether Rutger has come down with the same malady that seems to also be afflicting Dolph Lungreen who turned in what might have been the most schizoid performance ever in last Summer's the Expendables. This new condition might be referred to as Viking Regression or Nordic Black-out.

Copyright 2011, Raving Reviews