10 reasons to go see Interstellar again

Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....

Coming to a theatre near you, more previews!

Good things can come in small packages...

Snow Black and White (and those wacky midgets)

Silent films rock -- even new ones...

Who Really Shot JFK?

You won't find out in this lame excuse for investigative journalism. The cover-up lives!.

They Should be Letting us do the new Star Wars movies

We've got lot's of ideas, why isn't anyone calling???.

Guardians of The Galaxy Rocks

The most awesome mix tape - secret formula for success?

Argo and The Sci-Fi Revolution

Where were you when the American hostages were taken in Iran? Well, we don't remember either and perhaps many of you hadn't been born yet. It was kind of a big deal. What we do remember very well is Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind and how the end of the seventies gave birth to a science fiction revolution which had been prematurely aborted somewhere around 1973 and that's still going strong today. We do seem to recall the yellow ribbons and Ted Koppel on Nightline.    

We (well most of us) had never heard of Ayatollahs before 1979

Argo marks Ben Affleck's first major foray into directing and also gave him an opportunity to showcase and older, perhaps wiser version of his typical leading man role. It's hard not to recall Armageddon and Pearl Harbor and cringe at how stiff and silly he looked back then as leading man. And who can forget Ben-Lo (the brief pairing of Ben with Jennifer Lopez)? But remarkably this movie did help us forget the past - except for the past being featured in the plot. And what of that; did Ben get the story right? We think he did get it and even did so in a balanced fashion - providing lot's of interesting insights as well as both sides of of the story to some extent. Although as the movie progressed and the tension built up, the Revolutionary Guard become ever more two-dimensional bad guy villains.

This movie was interesting not merely because of the history it told - e.g. the 6 hostages who had escaped and who were spirited out of the country in a daring, yet secret CIA rescue - it was interesting in that it was Science Fiction that helped save those six diplomats. Imagine that.

Inside Argo (making the movie about pretending to make a movie)

So, the movie within a movie is a little like Inception of course but this is based on reality. Why did the Iranians let these guy go? Well, most of the movie gets wrapped around the clock-ticking tension as to whether or not they get on the plane before the revolutionaries get wise as to what's going on - but the pivotal scene of the movie is when the refugees break out their storyboards in Customs and begin explaining to the guards what the movie they're making is all about. And then, we begin to see the universal appeal of Science Fiction as a story-telling mechanism that transcends cultures. The guards while listening to the plot and looking at the drawings can't help but to identify with parts of the story and want to become a part of something a little bit larger than life and in doing so let the refugees escape (of course the guards did end up making history that but not the way they figured).

Ben made some very wise casting choices with Bryan (Breaking Bad) Cranston, John Goodman and Alan Arkin. These three actors may very be the best three character actors alive in Hollywood today - they each have the unique ability to take just about any material given to them and make it memorable. Last night night in the presidential debate we kept hearing about "Tumult in the Middle East" - we'll that's nothing new. However, telling the individual stories that occur within that tumult doesn't always happen and we're glad Ben took the time to tell this one.

Prometheus, Unplugged

So, early this Summer while on a vacation we went to go see Prometheus. Lucky for us because the place we were visiting had it playing in 3-D IMAX with surround sound. We had been looking forward to the film for several reasons:
  1. We're geeks.
  2. We like just about everything Ridley Scott does, perhaps with the exception of Robin Hood. 
  3. We liked the original Alien, as opposed to  most of the sequels. 
  4. We like special effects. 
Anyway, it seemed as though Prometheus was going to to score big in all of these areas. We went - we saw - we said "Awesome." Now - there's been some criticism about the movie but we think most of that criticism derived from not having watched it in 3-D IMAX with surround sound. There were some weak areas to the plot and a lot of unanswered questions but then again, most science fiction classics aren't immediately appreciated or completely thorough.

3-D IMAX Rocks... 

The critics are so picky sometimes though (not that we ever are)  - OK there were some lame characters here and there - for example Geologist and the scientist boyfriend. And there were some holes in the plot, although we're kind of hoping there is a prequel to the prequel to iron those out. To get a comprehensive list of the perceived flaws of the film check out the following spoof trailer...

A bit too critical perhaps? Genius is subtle folks, deal with it.

We were impressed with much of the cast, especially Guy Pearce, Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron. Without a doubt though Michael Fassbender stole much of the movie with his creepy yet fascinating portrayal of the science android David. The enigmatic Engineers are still a bit of a mystery though, we're not sure why they were so intent on reversing their science project on Earth. But overall this movie is more about atmosphere than specifics, which makes it a lot like the first Alien in our opinion and maybe even a little like John Carpenter's the Thing.

Another fun aspect of this film for us anyway was its innovative use of viral marketing with clips like the one below (which cannot be found int he movie itself but are still online and will of course be included with the DVD and Blu-ray release of the film)...

Move over Bill Gates - Peter Weyland has the biggest ego of them all.

We did notice a striking resemblance between the aliens (the engineer aliens anyway) in this film and the main character in the oddball movie 'Powder" from 1996. All in all we recommend seeing this film if you get a chance, maybe it will grow on you - but hopefully not in you.

This guy was way A Head of his time...