10 reasons to go see Interstellar again

Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....

Coming to a theatre near you, more previews!

Good things can come in small packages...

Snow Black and White (and those wacky midgets)

Silent films rock -- even new ones...

Who Really Shot JFK?

You won't find out in this lame excuse for investigative journalism. The cover-up lives!.

They Should be Letting us do the new Star Wars movies

We've got lot's of ideas, why isn't anyone calling???.

Guardians of The Galaxy Rocks

The most awesome mix tape - secret formula for success?

The Indomitable Johnny Drama

Every decade or so, Hollywood produces a truly remarkable character actor or character; someone that embodies the soul of the Everyman. An Everyman is an archetype, a conglomeration of all those characteristics we tend to see in ourselves. And in Everyman is not a celebrity, not a star and probably not even the greatest success, but the Everyman has depth.

I started watching Entourage in earnest for the first time this Summer. I may have seen it once or twice before while traveling, stuck in some hotel with nothing but HBO to watch - Entourage though requires multiple episodes to fully appreciate. I found myself becoming addicted to the series over the past few months now that I have HBO again at home and they are showing the entire series 12 episodes at a time on Saturday nights. While the main characters are likable enough, the show truly works as an entourage - in other words as an ensemble cast. The inside glimpses into how business gets done in Hollywood is another fascinating aspect of the show.

What really drew me into Entourage however was the character of Johnny Chase. At first his character seemed a bit like "cheap laughs," the butt for many jokes and perhaps an almost stereotypical comic foil. On the show Johnny Chase is known by his nickname Johnny Drama, the older brother of an up-and-coming movie star Vincent Chase. In a fascinating parallel between Hollywood fiction in Hollywood reality the character of Johnny Chase is played by actor Kevin Dillon who himself is the actor brother of what was once a major Hollywood movie star, Matt Dillon. Perhaps because of his background, Dillon is able to channel Johnny Drama’s character in a way that no other actor could. Dylan has impeccable comedic timing but also a definite flair for the dramatic living up to the name Johnny Drama more often than one might expect.

Occasionally thing do go Johnny's way...

So what is it that draws us to Johnny Drama instead of perhaps the show's star, Vincent Chase portrayed by Adrian Grenier? The character of Johnny Drama character is funny consistently across every episode, but as we watch the humor isn't always that funny or is funny at his expense. Most of what happens to Johnny drama is the result of his various flaws. This is why he's never quite made it in Hollywood despite being there much longer than his younger brother. He definitely has talent, but things don't always go his way and he has trouble coping with that. No matter what happens to him though, Johnny Drama never gives up on his dreams. In this he is like the rest of us, we can see that success just a little bit beyond our reach and we keep trying to get to it but never quite make it. Even though we never do achieve all the things that we dream of, the pursuit of those dreams is what defines us and our self-deprecating humor is what makes us human.

After a while it becomes hard not to root for Johnny drama. Perhaps if he can make it we can make it and even if we don't we can have some fun along the way. Entourage is definitely an adult show, something children and even young teens probably shouldn't watch, but for the older crowd entourage gives us clever plot lines and strong believable characters. At times their little Hollywood world seems perfectly real as each episode interjects a flurry of cameos from Hollywood insiders and faces from the news and prime time TV. Johnny Drama is a likable average Joe, much more likable than Joe the Plumber though, he is TV's everyman.

Copyright 2009, Raving Reviews

The Raving Reviews Taxonomy

Here at Raving Reviews we intend to write our reviews little differently. This site is not only dedicated to critiquing reviewing and rating movies it is also an outlet for cultural observation and humor. To give you an idea of what type of material you'll be seeing here will present a short guide or review taxonomy:
  • Article category one - a rave: A Rave is not a particularly focused critique, instead it is a general expression of appreciation.
  • Article category two - a riff: A Riff is not a critique at all but rather an opportunity to lampoon a truly bad piece of cinema or television. It is also an hommage to the comedic geniuses from Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Riff Trax and Cinematic Titanic.
  • Article category three - a rant: A Rant is exactly what it sounds like, a rambling diatribe directed at anyone or anything that may be poignant, hilarious or just completely stupid.
  • Article category four - a culturePop: A culture pop is a satirical or whimsical examination of some event or trend associated with popular culture.
  • Article category five - a review: a review is the traditional form of cinematic or television critique. While we don't particularly put much stock into rating systems, we will share our opinions and make viewing recommendations.
  • Article category six - a wax: this represents those times when we choose to wax philosophic about society, culture and the general downfall of mankind.
  • Article category seven - a rage: this category represents the rare occasions when we become inexplicably outraged over some relatively trivial issue.
As we transition from the Raving Reviews Blog to the Raving Reviews online magazine we will expand this taxonomy and apply it to a wide spectrum of media and culture related categories.

Copyright 2009, Raving Reviews

Bond Movie Titles

It's been a while since I've seen a good James Bond film. I heard somewhere that there is another one coming out soon, although I'm not altogether sure about that. The last one, Quantum of Solace wasn't fulfilling as far as Bond movies go. But 007 movies have always been kind of hit or miss; there have been quite a few different actors directors and producers involved over the years and not every combination works out right. I just looked it up on the web and it seems as though the next Bond movie is simply being referred to as Bond 23 because it is the 23rd movie in the series. The movie isn't due out until sometime in 2011, but even still it seems somehow depressing that there is no title associated with it yet. So I decided to go through a Bond title brainstorming session and I came up with the following tentative titles for our next Bond extravaganza:

1 - "Tomorrow Never Fries" the story of James Bond's struggle to reduce cholesterol levels through dietary and lifestyle changes.

2 - "Don't Never Say Never" the seldom heard story about James Bond's Summer school experience in a remedial grammar class.

3 - "Twilight's Last Gleaming" James Bond's resentment towards Twilight fans boils over in this nonstop action thriller.

4 - "Screwed Royale" The little heard story of James Bond’s experience investing his retirement funds with Bernie Madoff.

5 - "Dr., No More" and evil tale of James Bond ‘s most recent visit to the urologist.

6 - "Aluminum Finger" James Bond can't find a Halloween costume and decides to dress up as a robot by covering himself in Reynolds Wrap.

7 -"Leaf Raker" James Bond hires a sinister teenager to clean up his yard but instead of getting his leaves raked the punk takes the five dollars and TP's 007's backyard.

8 - "Quantum of Salad" As part of James Bond's new low-cholesterol diet he buys the salad shooter and things go horribly wrong.

9 - "My Bullets Never Lie" James Bond takes antidepressant medication which makes him a bit paranoid and he begins to question the loyalty of his Walther PP K.

10 - "Crap Always Floats" James Bond gets philosophical.

Bond Themes are often better than the movies, but the titles are the best part...

11 - "Blogging Is Forever" James Bond discovers Web 2.O.

12 - "Tweets Never Die" James Bond gets into twitter battle with Chad Ocho Cinco.

13 - "License to Sell Real Estate" James Bond moonlights in the residential real estate market only to see it crash and his hopes and dreams ruined. A vengeful Bond then goes after predatory lenders and exacts revenge.

14 - "A View to Your Neighbor's Pool" James Bond gets caught putting a WebCam on the outside of his house so that he can spy on the house next door.

15 - "Pink Eye" The really disgusting tale of how James Bond infected his left eye after picking his nose and sticking his fingers in it.

16 - "My Credit Cards Are Not Enough" A cautionary tale of when James Bond gets laid off, maxes out his cards and ends up having to cancel his cable TV.

17 - "Live and Let Fry" James Bond falls off the wagon, ditches his low cholesterol diet and hits the skids at McDonald's with supersized fries three times a day.

18 - "The Spy Who Dissed Me" After his credit cards are maxed out, James Bond gets tossed out of Best Buy when he can't pay the geek squad and insults them for not removing the adware from his laptop.

19 - "Diamonds Are Really Sparkly" James Bond lowers his standards a bit and begins dating Britney Spears.

20. - "Live and Let Exterminate" Sarah Palin fails to stop Obama's death panels leaving James Bond as the only possible savior for America's elderly.

There are so many possibilities for good title for the next Bond movie...

Copyright 2009, Ravings Reviews