Inspired by Inception

We've been dreaming about doing a review on Inception since last Summer, but somehow we can never quite finish writing it no matter how long it takes - it seems as though we're going in slow motion.

Besides that we still haven't figured out what's really about - but in the meantime we're going to bring you several interesting Viral Vids from the Internet from others inspired by Inception. The first candidate comes from the college crowd - a sort of frat boys comedy ensemble called atomic:

Please don't do this at home or your dorm...

We loved spoofed trailers - in fact we may be doing some ourselves next year - in the meantime, we'll take some lessons from these folks who've done it pretty well.

The following one is our favorite - Dora the Explorer's Inception. This kid, who was also in the Karate Kid spoof, is likely to be a big star...

Who knew Dora was Deep and So Edgy...

And for the most juvenile of all - and this is R-rate folks - an Inception Trailer called Contraception. We're guessing the guys who made this one have not been studying much at school...

If Only Bristol Palin had starred in this one

We've seen far fewer examples of parodies of the rest of the movie - we're guessing because like us, most folks still don't understand it - but hey - the effects are great !

Copyright 2010, Raving Reviews