Public Domain Movies

It's been awhile since our last post, we promise not to let it happen again. Today we wanted to talk to you briefly about the emerging sources of public domain movies that are beginning to crop up around the Internet.

Quite Frankly, this is something we'd always hoped would happen - to make available thousands of films and documentaries available without purchase through web. More important perhaps is the historical significance of these resources and the ability for all sorts of filmmakers to have access to these types of resources while making their own films.

You can find these movies at that the following locations:
This combined with sites like Hulu is beginning to change the way we view the Internet and of course so many people are using Video on Demand that Comcast is now charging folks extra to use Netflix online.

We came across two remarkable examples (documentaries related to WW2) - The Memphis Belle (The Internet Archive) and The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler (Openflix - as well as old commercials, newsreels and silent films.

The Memphis Belle

BTW - we will review the 1990 movie named after and inspired by this documentary sometime soon - it's kind of hokey but we love it anyway.

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