10 reasons to go see Interstellar again

Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....

Coming to a theatre near you, more previews!

Good things can come in small packages...

Snow Black and White (and those wacky midgets)

Silent films rock -- even new ones...

Who Really Shot JFK?

You won't find out in this lame excuse for investigative journalism. The cover-up lives!.

They Should be Letting us do the new Star Wars movies

We've got lot's of ideas, why isn't anyone calling???.

Guardians of The Galaxy Rocks

The most awesome mix tape - secret formula for success?

Why is Mel Gibson so Crazy?

This is a question that has perplexed us over the past year - Mel Gibson, Hollywood megastar, director and producer seems to be getting progressively more insane. What could be behind this transformation? Is it some sort of addiction, mental breakdown or has he become one of his disturbed characters (perhaps a mix of Mad Max and the Patriot)?

Think we're exaggerating? The following is just one of a flood of phone recordings & voicemails that Mel's ex released and are now floating around the Internet. Don't listen to this if you are faint of heart or can't tolerate foul language (it's somewhere beyond R-rated).

Mad Mel, Mean Mel, Wacky Mel - anything but
well-adjusted or Mild-Mannered Mel.

And Mel hasn't limited his poor behavior to his hapless gal pals, he's been arrested and poured abuse on the police as well. So when not punching his wife while holding his baby he drives around L.A. trashed on Tequila. Could this all be attributed to alcoholism?

He doesn't know where his anger comes from...

Even while he's sober he still blames Jews for creating all the wars in the world.

And no this wasn't a real apology...

So, again we us ask ourselves why is Mel Gibson so freaking crazy?
  • Is it lack of success? No, can't be that, he's made hundreds of millions of dollars and achieved success at all levels of the motion picture industry.
  • Is it the fact he was an American living in Australia for too many years? This is a distinct possibility as an Aussie accent has been know to induce psychosis in some Americans. He also may be related to Russell Crowe, we think.
  • Did the Jews do this to him, yeah probably, and they're loving it...
  • Is Mel becoming one of his bloodthirsty characters, wishing he could go around chopping up the neighbors - it's certainly possible.
  • Is it because Mel uses Tequila for tap water in house now? We heard he does...
  • Or maybe it's all the creative pressure - nay, he's a freaking loon.
Ultimately we may never know what happened to Mad Mel. Perhaps his journey into the heart of darkness in Apocalyptico and Passion of Christ was too much for him. One hopes that he can take advantage of his new personality (or personalities) and become a Right Wing talk show host - making even more money.

Of course, this has got us wondering about a lot of other things to, such as:
  • Why are the Bengals the worst team in football and why do we still root for them?
  • Are dogs really smarter than cats (and just faking the dumb act)?
  • Is Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) human or an evil pod person?
  • Is Hugh Hefner really a young guy wearing an old guy suit?
  • Did we really land on the moon and if so how come we didn't bring back any refrigerator magnets?
We will attempt to answer those and many other questions here on Raving Reviews.

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