10 reasons to go see Interstellar again

Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....

Coming to a theatre near you, more previews!

Good things can come in small packages...

Snow Black and White (and those wacky midgets)

Silent films rock -- even new ones...

Who Really Shot JFK?

You won't find out in this lame excuse for investigative journalism. The cover-up lives!.

They Should be Letting us do the new Star Wars movies

We've got lot's of ideas, why isn't anyone calling???.

Guardians of The Galaxy Rocks

The most awesome mix tape - secret formula for success?

A Dream inside a Movie or is it? Inception

Well, we inspired ourselves ourselves to watch Inception again (one of us even watched it on an International flights and fell asleep ! oh, yeah - of course we can't be sure if that was real or not).

What is reality, what is a dream, what is the Matrix? What time is dinner? Philosophy was never one of our better subjects in school yet we continue to enjoy science fiction thrillers which tear away at the fabric of reality like giant carpet scissors (how's that for a metaphor). Inception does this as well or better than any movie before in this particular subgenre of cinema. Watching Inception requires one to pay attention and we've definitely noticed things the second time around that we didn't catch the first time - although we can't really be sure - because we might have been asleep or in some alternative state of consciousness.

We liked Leonardo Di Caprio's performance in this show but the whole cast did a great job. We especially enjoyed Marion Cotillard's spooky breakout performance as Leonardo's virtual / dream wife, Mal (although we never did find out what that was short for). We certainly would have liked to see more of Michael Caine and a bit more of Tom Berenger. The special effects were fairly awesome throughout the film - although they didn't dominate they way they do in Tron Legacy. What did drive this movie was it's incredible pace and intricate plot layers. It took some real ingenuity to keep all those dream levels synchronized without losing the audience or easing up on the suspense - really quite masterful...

The other thing that really stands out from this movie is the soundtrack - Hans Zimmer created a truly memorable score, it really adds a lot to the ambiance of the film.

We will likely rate Inception as one of the best films of 2010 - and possible the front runner (when we do our first annual Raving Awards post early next year).

There is a Glitch in the Matrix, Our Dreams are not our own,
Tron is Alive - we're confused...

So, the real question is - is this all real? Is our world filled with shadow terrorists and super secret police chasing them across the Internet - is our top spinning? How many levels would we need to traverse to find the truth or is someone dropping one giant Inception on us making us believe their viral ideas - boy we love this show...

Yes, there are still many more parodies to watch inspired by Inception.

Copyright 2010, Raving Reviews