So, we actually decided to watch cable last night and came across a relatively recent film that we had wanted to see yet somehow managed not to (at the theatre). Of course, we’re getting to the cinema more often these days as they’ve figured out how to make the world’s best (and messiest) funnel cakes there – but we digress. The film we’re reviewing today is Apollo 18, otherwise known as “How to go to the Moon without anyone really knowing about it.”
The moon - it's rocky, cold and filled with pesky spiders
Apollo 18 is a found footage movie...
10 reasons to go see Interstellar again
Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....
Coming to a theatre near you, more previews!
Good things can come in small packages...
Snow Black and White (and those wacky midgets)
Silent films rock -- even new ones...
Who Really Shot JFK?
You won't find out in this lame excuse for investigative journalism. The cover-up lives!.
They Should be Letting us do the new Star Wars movies
We've got lot's of ideas, why isn't anyone calling???.
Guardians of The Galaxy Rocks
The most awesome mix tape - secret formula for success?