The other day someone asked me what my favorite movie of all time was, without hesitation I answered back “Blade Runner.” While I think Artificial Intelligence is a distant second, Blade Runner will likely continue to hold its first place ranking for the foreseeable future. So why do folks like me still obsess over this movie, after all it is now nearly 30 years old (that’s frightening to admit by the way as 1982 is the year I graduated High School)?For me, this film represents everything that a movie can be – a synergy of art and entertainment,...
10 reasons to go see Interstellar again
Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....
Coming to a theatre near you, more previews!
Good things can come in small packages...
Snow Black and White (and those wacky midgets)
Silent films rock -- even new ones...
Who Really Shot JFK?
You won't find out in this lame excuse for investigative journalism. The cover-up lives!.
They Should be Letting us do the new Star Wars movies
We've got lot's of ideas, why isn't anyone calling???.
Guardians of The Galaxy Rocks
The most awesome mix tape - secret formula for success?
The WWF & Wall Street Villainy
Unknown 1:15 PM Humor, Movie Reviews, Popular Culture, Pro Wrestling, Rave Reviews, Raving Reviews™, Satire, Wall Street, WWF
Many years ago as part of short-lived and sometimes bizarre writing career I found myself working for a professional wrestler, one of the stars of the WWF in its heyday. Back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the World Wrestling Federation was a billion dollar enterprise and had become very mainstream. While I found myself a bit out of my element (I had never been to a wrestling match or NASCAR race in my life), I had to admit the experience was somewhat exhilarating. Professional Wrestling is the ultimate spectacle, sort of a combination morality...