The Abe Team

Four score and seven days ago a wave of movies was unleashed that shook this great nation to its core...
He's big, well pretty tall anyway. He's bad, killed more people than you can count, at least indirectly sort of. He's like 200 years old and he's back, with a vengeance, although actually he seemed like a mild mannered guy. He's Abe Lincoln and he's taking over Hollywood in 2012.

Last of the Mohicans meets the Civil War. An Irish Lincoln? No Comment

This year, Abraham Lincoln has been resurrected on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, when he declared the Emancipation Proclamation and boy does he means business. He's out there killing Vampires, hunting down Zombies, whipping them dirty rebs and even moderating presidential debates. He's a one man killin' machine; facing down our national demons one by one - many of them literally. We haven't had a chance to see all the movies yet - we missed the Vampire Killer one while on vacation and the new Stephen Spielberg film hasn't been released yet. 

I'm going to send your sparkly behinds back  to Hell!

We've heard rumors that Lincoln will also appear in these upcoming features:
  • The Expendables 3 - As the"hatchet man," he'd take any crappy role for money
  • The Terminator 5 - as the "Abenator" - he's back
  • Friday the 13th (lost count) - as the Boy Scout Troop Leader - chopping wood and serial killers
  • Taken 3 - Liam Neeson's replacement - killing everything in sight, no plot needed
  • The A-Team - Bad Attitude "BA" Abe
  • The Silence of the Lambs remake - Abenal the Cannibal - he'll eat your liver with a side of cornbread...
  • The Avengers - Captain "Divided America" Abe 
  • The Seven Samurai - Abeosan
  • Star Wars - Abe Vader
  • Twilight Mooning - Six-pack Abes
  • Barney Miller - as Abe Vigoda, with a beard
  • The Godfather - as Abe Vigoda, with a beard
  • Scarface - "Say hello to my little ax"
  • Two & Half Men - Charlie Sheen's even crazier uncle
  • Abetar - need we say more...
  • Braveheart 2 - Back from the Dead - as McAbe
Yes indeed, Abe's agent has been working overtime lately. One movie we did get a chance to see (because it was on Netflix already) was Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies.This was an Asylum feature - in other words it was made for cheap as a knock off of another movie - in this case the Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter movie we haven't seen yet. But even given its less than promising origins, this film was somewhat entertaining in its own deranged fashion.We got to meet Lincoln's harlot mistress and love child, young Teddy Roosevelt as a zombie fighting adolescent and plenty of distorted historical episodes. The zombie killing action was about average; although watching Lincoln and Stonewall Jackson fighting on the same side was kind of interesting, even though it looked throughout the film as though Stonewall's beard would either fall off or he'd drop dead suddenly from anorexia.

What's 6'4', wears a stovepipe hat and kicks Zombie ass?

There are parts to this 2012 Lincoln phenomenon we simply can't explain; such as:
  1. Why are they picking all these foreign actors to play Lincoln?
  2. Why do all actors who play Lincoln sound just like Hal Holbrook's impression of Mark Twain? (kind of like why do movie Nazis always speak British English).
  3. Why didn't George Washington ever kill any Zombies or Vampires?
Perhaps we'll never explain it, but at least we can enjoy Lincoln's return to the limelight - although come to think of it, last time he was connected with the Theater, it didn't turn out so well.

Ok, this has nothing to do with Abe but it's a cool tune

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  • The Abe TeamFour score and seven days ago a wave of movies was unleashed that shook this great nation to its core... He's big, well pretty tall anyway. He's bad, killed more people than you can count, at least indirectly sort of. He's l… Read More