10 reasons to go see Interstellar again

Just when you thought Black Holes were getting dull....

Let's all Boycott Cougar Town

We've got problems with Cougar Town; we had problems with it before and then someone decided to save the show this season and resurrect it on TBS - now we're really upset. Apparently Cougar Town is a real place - supposedly near Sarasota but they're denying it... Why? well it all started with this ad which we were forced to watch at the beginning of Abe Lincoln (and two other films at the cinema) last month... Worst promotional ad ever...

Insecurity - A Raving Playlist

Have you been feeling down, depressed, small, insignificant or otherwise insecure - then you should probably not listen to today's Raving Playlist. And if you're bi-polar, not a good idea either but we suggest you try either: Harmonic Insanity    or Incoherent  Today's playlist takes the Winter doldrums and amps them up with steroids to generate audio-manic depression from some of the most disturbed musicians...

Raving Predictions for 2013

We're hurtling into the future at warp speed  - ok, maybe not quite that fast but the New Year is coming up pretty soon. It's time for our predictions for things to come next year. Will they come true - who knows, we're not psychic - we just make educated guesses based upon the facts - that's it. Our balls (uh, ball) are (is) bigger than yours... Predictions for the New Year: Gas companies employees drilling deep wells in Eastern...

The Dumbest Quotes of 2012

Well, it's the end of the year and it's a time for reflection - reflection about all the stupid things that may have happened during the year and most importantly, recognition of the most incredibly goofy comments that folks have made throughout 2012. This is not an attack on Hollywood per se, we're drawing on quotes from across the globe and from a wide spectrum of professions. Never has a chair been so severely lectured... this poor...

Why We Like Psych

Psych is the longest running original program on the USA Network - ok maybe that isn't saying too much as we can't really remember too many other USA Network shows at all. But that's not the point - the show has been running for 7 seasons and thanks to Netflix, it is reaching a much larger audience than it otherwise might and we just love it. And BTW - Season 7 will launch in February of 2013. So how did we find out about Psych...

The Grinch who Shot Christmas

Yesterday a man shot 4 firefighters in New York (using the same type of assault rifle used in Sandy Hook) while they were responding to a fire, two died. Several days ago 4 were killed in a shooting spree across Pennsylvania. A week before that, we all witnessed the national horror of the mass killings of children at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. This has been a bloody, awful year for gun violence in America and it...

Is Dexter Killer TV ?

For several years we refused to watch Dexter on principle - that principle being that glorifying serial killers was going a step too far. Sure, we've had to put up with a decade of CSI like dramas but Dexter seemed new and dangerous. We had tolerated the spate of Hannibal Lector related movies because the mega-drama involved seemed a bit unreal. Showtime's Dexter is a different animal altogether; it's an ongoing character study in what makes a killer...

How I got thrown off the Uncle Al Show

I have to admit, it was my first experience in show biz - I was a bit green perhaps. However I was determined to make my mark and being 4 years old wasn't about to stop me. I had heard that George Clooney had gotten on the show 5 times (probably because his dad was an anchor on the local TV news) and I knew I might be competing with him for shows like ER by the mid-1980's (I was a very forward thinking child). So I put on my vest and my...

Americana - A Raving Playlist

The other day we had a somewhat harsh rebuke of Popular Country music on Raving Reviews. This doesn't mean we don't like home-grown sounds from the South, West and Appalachia; quite the contrary. We also like folk music and other forms which seem somehow uniquely American. What else so defines a culture but it's music? America is not just series of towns dotting the horizon - it's an idea and it has a rich history and a lot of diversity spread...

Dr. Zhivago - A Raving Classic

It's almost Winter and Winter reminds us of one one thing - Zhivago. No place is more famous for their terrible Winters than Russia. Time and again the Russian Winter as played a role in history defeating conquering armies lead by Napoleon and Hitler. The Russian Winters seem to define what it is to be Russian (although we don't really have a clue because we're not Russian so what we really mean is that they define our perception of what...